In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
Hypocrisy in Islam, a dangerous disease,
One that spreads with ease and can bring one to their knees.
It’s a mask worn by those who deceive,
A disease that can bring down the strongest of beliefs.
Hypocrisy is when we say one thing and do another,
A sign of a heart that has lost its true color.
It’s a poison that can infect the soul,
And can lead one to a path that is far from whole.
In Islam, hypocrisy is a grave sin,
A sign of a heart that is unclean within.
We must be true to our words and actions,
And strive to purify our hearts with true intentions.
We must strive to be sincere in our deeds,
And remember that Allah is the One who sees.
For in the end, we will be judged by our actions,
And the hypocrite will be left to face their own reactions.
So let us strive to purify our hearts,
And remember that hypocrisy can tear us apart.
For in Islam, sincerity is the key,
To a heart that is pure and a soul that is free.