Poem: Dua

Spread the Light

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

Dua in Islam, a prayer from the heart,
A conversation with Allah, from the very start.
It’s a means of seeking guidance and mercy,
And a way to find strength in times of adversity.

Dua is when we pour out our soul to our Lord,
And seek His guidance and help, with every word.
It’s a sign of our faith and reliance on Him,
And a reminder that we are never alone in our journey within.

In Islam, dua is a powerful tool,
And a way to find peace, when life can be cruel.
For Allah is the One who hears our prayer,
And with His mercy, He answers us with care.

We must remember that dua is never in vain,
And that Allah hears our prayer, again and again.
For in dua, we find a heart that is true,
And a way to connect with Allah, through and through.

So let us strive to make dua each day,
And never forget to ask Allah to guide us on our way.
For with dua, we find a heart that is at peace,
And through Allah’s mercy, our struggles finally cease.

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