Poem: Allah’s Pure Love For You

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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

A mother’s love, so gentle and pure,
A love that in our hearts will always endure.
A love that comforts, that heals our pain,
A love that endures, like sunshine after rain.

Her love is unconditional, never-ending, and true,
A love that constantly guides and sees us through.
Through thick and thin, she is always there,
A love so selfless, beyond compare.

Yet, as immense as a mother’s love may be,
It pales in comparison to Allah’s decree.
His love is boundless, without any end,
A love that transcends, everything we comprehend.

Allah’s love is eternal, never to wane,
A love that heals us, and makes us whole again.
A love that forgives, and shows us the way,
A love that protects, through night and day.

Like a mother’s love, Allah’s love is kind,
And it is this love, that helps us to find,
The peace, the joy, the purpose of life,
And through His love, we rise above strife.

So let us be grateful, for both these love so true,
For Allah’s love, and a mother’s love too.
May we cherish and honor them both,
And be guided by their love, wherever we go.

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