Poem: Allah’s Love

Spread the Light

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

Allah’s love is like an endless sea,
That washes over you and me,
A love that knows no bounds or ends,
A love that all creation transcends.

It’s in the rising of the sun,
And in the setting of the same,
It’s in the gentle rustling of the leaves,
And in the falling of the rain.

It’s in the laughter of a child,
And in the wisdom of the old,
It’s in the kindness of a stranger,
And in the love that we hold.

Allah’s love is all around,
In every sight and every sound,
It’s in the beauty of this earth,
And in the miracle of birth.

It’s in the trials that we face,
And in the blessings we embrace,
It’s in the moments of despair,
And in the joy that we share.

So let us turn to Allah’s love,
And seek refuge in His grace,
For it is the only thing that lasts,
And will never be replaced.

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